W Series User Stories

M/Y Umbra Uses WASSP W3 to find Underwater Volcanoes
Exploration vessel M/Y Umbra was fitted with a WASSP W3 Wireless System while recently in Brisbane Australia.

Superyacht Navigation using WASSP W3 with CDX Software
This video shows how to u se WASSP on a tender to map the seafloor in advance of your superyacht to find the safest passage and anchorage.
On board with Jonathan Rothberg, owner of 55m explorer yacht Gene Machine
In preparation for a 9,000 nautical mile journey last year from the French Riviera to Svalbard, Norway Gene Machine Captain Rothberg included WASSP W3 Multibeam sonar systems for the ships Tenders.
WASSP W3 becoming a ‘Must Have’ for Superyachts
Our W3 sounder system featured in ‘Onboard Essentials’ in the latest Onboard Magazine
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