Maretron NMEA 2000 - Alternating Current Monitor
Maretron's ACM100 is a device which monitors AC power sources and outputs information about these sources onto the industry standard NMEA 2000 marine data network. The ACM100 can monitor power buses, generators, or utility power. ACM100 output information is then displayed with networked NMEA 2000 equipment such as the Maretron DSM250 or DSM410 dedicated display or with NMEA 2000 compatible software such as Maretron's N2KView. Best of all, the ACM100 is NMEA 2000 certified so you can view all AC information anywhere on the vessel using a compatible NMEA 2000 display.
The ACM100 is a key component of Maretron's N2KView vessel monitoring and control system.
- Voltage
- Current
- Frequency
- Real power
- Reactive power
- Apparent power
- Power factor
- Total energy imported
- Total energy exported
Note: ACM100 may require configuration depending on application, see User Manual (Maretron DSM250, DSM410, USB100, or IPG100 needed to configure)
*Refer to Data Sheet