NAVpilot-1000 - Commercial Use
HCS (Heading Control System) type-approved Autopilot
The NAVpilot-1000 is an HCS (Heading Control System) type-approved Autopilot that can be connected to an analog steering system or solenoid steering system, which are often used for relatively large vessels.
The NAVpilot-1000 has both IMO and Non-IMO modes depending on steering types or operation requirements and covers various types of vessels.
Steering Straight with AUTO Mode
The NAVpilot-1000 takes the helm with an advanced steering algorithm that is designed for larger vessels. Specially designed features, like TURN Mode, ensure that you make smooth turns with confidence.
*The NAVpilot-1000 is designed for use on 100 m or smaller vessels.
Work Profiles
When vessels are operated on a daily basis, sea conditions are different depending on weather or locations. In addition, preference on how-to-steer is also different depending on operators. The NAVpilot-1000 can save a total of six (6) patterns of Work Profiles. Parameters set in Auto Tuning or manual adjustment can be assigned to each profile. Simply select one of the suitable profiles for the day, location or operator.
Auto Tuning
Before navigating with the NAVpilot-1000, Auto Tuning helps to adjust control parameters. While Auto Tuning, the vessel will run in zig-zag towards the preset heading and automatically adjust rudder gain, counter rudder, and rate of turn to match with vessel characteristics.
HCS Type-Approved
NAVpilot-1000 received the Type Approval certification for the Heading Control System (HCS) and Heading control system for high speed craft. The Type Approval certifies that the product meets specific safety, quality, and reliability standards required for the international marine industry.
Easy to Read and Robust Controls
The NAVpilot-1000 comes with a 5.7” colour control unit. Large, high-contrast characters are easy to read on the colour LCD.
The robust rotary knob and buttons are comfortable to rotate and press even in rough sea conditions.
Easily Follow Routes with NAV Mode*
The NAVpilot-1000 helps steer vessels on a monitored or activated route with NAV mode.
*Non-IMO mode only
Interconnect with MFD
The NAVpilot-1000 can be connected to FURUNO’s NavNet TZtouch series MFDs*1 via NMEA2000. AUTO and NAV modes can be activated from the MFD screen, as well as adjusting the set course while navigating.
*Photo: NavNet TZtouch3 TZT19F
*1. TZT10X/13X/16X/22X/24X: All software versions
TZT9F/12F/16F/19F: Software version 3.56 or later
TZT2BB: Software version 9.56 or later
See brochure in the documents tab for full specs.